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RDF24 Call for Abstracts

The 2024 Annual R&D Forum (RDF24) Call for Abstracts is now closed. The full RDF24 Programme will be announced shortly.

The 2024 Annual NHS R&D Forum (RDF24) Programme Content Committee invites abstracts for presentations and posters at RDF24.

Abstracts are invited for poster and oral presentations. Read carefully the following pages to ensure you make a valid abstract submission.

NEW FOR RDF24: New Entrant Presentation Award & Free Place at RDF24
The NHS R&D Forum are inviting abstracts for oral presentation from individuals who have worked in health and social care research for less than three years. When submitting your abstract you can select whether you wish to be considered for this. The Programme Committee will review abstracts in this category and select the best one. The best entry will be invited to present this at RDF24 and the individual will receive a free place. This free place will be the full conference package (2 nights hotel accommodation, 2 days conference attendance, conference dinner). All other costs will need to be paid for by the individual (e.g travel and incidentals).

Closing dates for abstracts:

  • Oral Presentations: 30th November 2023
  • Posters: 31st December 2023

Call for Abstracts announced and online submissions opens


Abstract submission close for Presentations


Abstract submission close for Posters


Presenter applicants notified of Acceptance/Rejection


Presenters must have confirmed they will attend the 2024 Annual NHS R&D Forum


Poster applicants notified of Acceptance/Rejection


All Speakers and Poster representatives booked to attend


Deadline for providing Presentation content

12-14 May

2024 Annual NHS R&D Forum

The NHS R&D Forum are requesting abstracts for oral presentation and poster display. The annual conference is about sharing best practice in R&D within health and social care settings. We are looking for abstracts that relate to the process, the structure, improving efficiency, improving quality, promoting best practice or adding value in R&D studies, teams, departments or organisations, with a particular focus on sharing innovative solutions to challenges, and other successes (or failures) that may inform future practice elsewhere. Topics should be relevant to the wider R&D community. Abstracts (speaker or poster) will not be accepted if they are results of clinical trials, clinical studies or research studies (unless related to the above) or are considered to be commercial in nature.

To recognise the quality of abstract submissions for both posters and presentation there are 5 Awards that will be presented at the Gala Dinner on the 12th May 2024. There are:

Abstracts accepted for oral presentation – determined by Programme Content Group Review & Scoring

  • Best Abstract Award 1st Place

  • Best Abstract Award Runner-up

Posters presented at the RDF24.

  • Delegate Choice Best Poster Award – voted by delegates

  • Sponsor Choice Poster Award – the best Poster as judged by the Poster Zone Sponsor

  • Overall Best Poster Award – selected by a judging panel including the HRA and NHS R&D Forum

The organising committee encourage early abstract submission in order to avoid any last-minute rush. Multiple submissions from the same author are welcomed and it is important that you read and comply with the following information and guidelines.


All abstracts must be written in plain English. (There are many plain English guides. Here is an example:

Submission Process:

Abstracts can only be submitted online at

Number of Authors:

Up to 4 authors (abstract presenter & 3 co-authors) per abstract can be submitted however please note only 2 authors can be offered the early bird discount for presenter. The presenting author will automatically be listed first and should also be the contact author. The presenter’s full name and professional address should be submitted.


The abstract title is limited to 80 characters and the abstract text should not exceed 300 words. Author names and affiliations are not part of the abstract text and are not counted in the 300 word limit.

Abstract Submission:

The submission form is short and easy to complete. The submission form can be found here.

All abstracts will be reproduced as typed by the author submitting the abstract therefore care should be taken to avoid any errors content including spelling or grammar.

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by members of the Programme Content Committee. 

Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the submitting (corresponding) presenter as shown in the Timelines section of this document. 

The NHS R&D Forum regrets that it is unable to meet any registration fees, accommodation, and travel or subsistence expenses for people who have their abstracts accepted for oral presentation or poster display. Successful applicants will be offered the early bird rate (a maximum of two people per successful abstract)

If your abstract is accepted, the author commits him/herself to present/display his/her work at the 2024 Annual NHS R&D Forum. Presenters of accepted abstracts must register for the event within the Timelines section of this document otherwise we reserve the right to remove the session/poster from the agenda.

Dr Nicola Williams is Chair of the 2024 Programme Content Committee and will coordinate the Committee to review abstracts and develop the Programme. If you would like to discuss an abstract idea or would like more information please contact our Organising Group by email:


For any enquiries relating to sponsorship, exhibiting or advertising please contact Delegant Limited who are the event organisers of RDF24.