Lynis Lewis Noclor NHS Research Office - CNWL / NLMHP

Lynis has been working in the field of healthcare research for over 25 years and has been the Service Director of Noclor for 18 of those. Over nearly two decades she has led its development to become the largest non-acute research office in the country, spanning its influence over six Mental Health trusts and extending into primary care and non-NHS research across North London. Lynis is the Director of Research for the North London Mental Health Partnership and has co-led on shaping an ambitious strategy for mental health research across the area with the UCL Institute of Mental Health. With her passion for mental health research, Lynis also served as the specialty lead for Mental Health within the NIHR North Thames Clinical Research Network and is part of the leadership team for UKRD which brings R&D leaders together to be powerful influencers of change. It places her in a pivotal position to drive policy in mental health research on a national scale.

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