Beatrice Namuwaya ARC-GM Young People's Advisory Group (YPAG)

My name is Beatrice Namuwaya and I am a first year medical student at the University of Buckingham. I have been actively involved in the My Voice Matters project, with a focus on presenting research findings to young people and gathering their feedback to ensure that young people’s voices are integrated into the research process.  As a first-year medical student, this project has been an important opportunity for me to engage with both research and community outreach.

As the young people involved in the “My Voice Matters” mental health research planning event, we played an active role in organizing and shaping the event’s agenda, and then later presenting the event as hosts. We contributed to planning discussions, and worked with the wider team to ensure that the voice of young people would be represented throughout the event. We also hosted the full event, facilitated discussions throughout and shared insights and advocated for the importance of young people’s perspectives in mental health research, and engaged with attendees to create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere.

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